I'm from Moon

The year is 2154.  The school semester is just finishing up as students are finalizing their summer internship schedules down on Earth,  In another few lunar days The University of Moon (or The U) as students insist on calling it, will be as lonely as it was during the 1970's pioneering days.  It's been a pretty uneventful year overall, the one piece of news that did happen passed without much comment.  "The" was overwhelmingly voted to be dropped from the moniker "The Moon".       

"Moon" has consistently been preferred by locals ever since the initial settlements in 2115.  Much like our ancestors who would affectionately refer to Washington, District of Columbia, simply as DC (now the ruins known as CD Wash), today's Moonies and Terrestrials are carrying on the tradition of linguistic laziness.  It's hardly surprising tho.  While it is still possible to find star charts that have the "The", you'd be hard pressed to find anybody actually saying, "I'm from the Moon"; it sounds odd to the 22nd century ear. 

Now that the infrastructure is growing on Moon decade by decade, it would in fact be odd to have "The" attached to future schools, hospitals, and institutions.  It seems that the only role for "The" in regards to "The Moon", will be a vestige and reminder of the quaint days of life when it was only on Earth.