One Universal Language in the Future

I think that sometime in the distant future, current languages will funnel down into one (possibly a handful of) main language/s.  This language will resemble English.

Languages have been going extinct since as long as language itself; but I think with the influence of social networking and the world being as connected as it's ever been that extinction of languages will be accelerated.

Languages borrow phrases, words, and other structure from OTHER languages.  Sometimes another language captures a feeling or meaning better.  English has canibalized languages left and right over the centuries.  E.g.  The German word "schadenfreude" seems to have worked itself into the English lexicon (happiness in other people's failures).  Now English has an adequate word for that feeling.

I think that this universal language will resemble English only because it is the current lingua Franca.  The #1 export of the United States is culture.  American culture is emulated world wide.  People across the globe are able to see and listen to Beyoncé, watch Dicaprio and just see an absolute flood of other English language material.  Of course the US is not the sole source of art, but Americans are certainly prolific artists, coming from the most populous English speaking country. The borrowing of language goes both ways too.  Other languages borrow words and terms from English. 

As time goes on, and the world becomes even more connected, English will be so ubiquitous that languages will start to become more like English because of this borrowing between them. Eventually there will be a single unified language 2,000 years from now.  Let's call it Pangealish.

Unfortunately it's doubtful I'll be able to see if I'm right or terrifically wrong on this.